Incredibly Celery!


A very popular vegetable in the weight watcher’s diet, Celery actually has much more to its credit. It is a complete package of nutrients from the seeds to the stalk and leaves.

Know your Super food:

Celery is quite a complete encyclopedia of Nutrients. It boasts to be an excellent source of minerals like calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc and potassium, Vitamins like A, D, E, K, C and B-vitamins. It is high in fibre and low in calories.

Health Benefits:

  • Improves heart health by reducing – blood pressure, oxidative damage to the arteries and bad cholesterol.
  • Promotes bone health, normal blood clot formation, reduces swelling and arthritic pain.
  • Boosts the immune system and helps in preventing Cancer.
  • It helps in treating Urinary tract infections and Gout owing to its diuretic (urine stimulating) properties.
  • It helps in detoxification, reduction of asthma symptoms, relieves Migraines and treats Acidity.
  • It is the most sought after nutrient-dense green veggie with its high fibre content that creates a feeling of fullness with the ingestion of fewer calories aiding quick weight loss.

It can be consumed in detox juices, salads, smoothies, soups or gravies.

However, it needs to be noted that pregnant women should not consume Celery, as it contains certain compounds that may cause uterine contractions.

So get a little versatile not just in the taste but also in the nutrient profile of your daily diet by making space for this Super Veggie called CELERY!


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