Go Natural than Processed!


Have you ever pondered, in spite of advancing technology, increased sales in farmer’s markets, organic produce, and all the fancily marketed foods on the shelves; global health is still at a decline! Most of the lifestyle disorders like type 2 diabetes; obesity, heart diseases, hypertension, and certain types of cancers are just increasing day by day. 

Wondering why? … Let us peep in what could possibly be the trigger to these problems…

Marketing illusions of processed foods:

  • The so-called healthy claims on processed foods like low-fat, low-carb, reduced salt, no trans fat, fortified with vitamins, no cholesterol (even on plant-based items), and so on; most of these are all marketing traps. Most of the processed packaged food items don’t have any nutritional health benefits and hence they are trying to hoodwink consumers by giving in misleading claims.
  • Processing of foods usually will eliminate either one or most of the vital vitamins, minerals, fat, fibre, and/or micronutrients.
  • The higher the shelf life of the product, the higher will be the processing. These products are designed as ‘Never to Rot’. It’s about profit and not health.
  • The shelf life of food products can be increased by adding too much salt, sugar, preservatives, or oil, all of which are detrimental to health. Thereby, it becomes important to educate yourself to read and understand the nutritional labels.

As consumers, it will be prudent to omit processed foods and rely on freshly cooked and natural foods as far as possible, to experience an array of health benefits like feeling more energetic, improved immunity and wade of weight gain and in the bargain have a healthy life, free of ailments.

So, instead of harping on calorie count and understanding the complicated list of ingredients; let’s keep it simple and natural for a healthier and fitter existence. These foods are less complicated and beneficial to health. 

So don’t burn a hole in your pocket with these so-called ‘Processed Healthy Junkies’!   

Read our blogs on:

Metabolic Syndrome/Syndrome X

Polycystic Ovarian Disease

Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR)

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