Hypertension – The Silent Killer!


Hypertension or High Blood Pressure (HBP) is rightly called The Silent Killer, as the symptoms can go unnoticed for years together. It is a global health concern emerging from the fast-paced living style that leads to hurry, worry, and consumption of convenience foods.

HBP is triggered when the pressure of the blood against the walls of the main arteries is tensed, read as Systolic – when the heart is contracting and Diastolic – when the heart is relaxing, normal reading is 120/80 mmHg respectively.

The leading causes of HBP:

  • An inadequate unhealthy diet characterized by a high intake of salt or sodium. 
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Obesity, smoking, alcohol, stress, 
  • Underlying health ailments like obesity and kidney disease. If HBP is ignored, it can lead to severe damage to the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.  

Some noticeable symptoms are frequent and severe headaches, improper vision, giddiness, and fatigue on mild exertion, breathlessness, chest pain and unusual sweating. 

The best approach for handling and treating HBP are making lifestyle changes like:

Diet Modifications –

  • Choose foods that are low in salt and sodium. There is enough evidence that a higher intake of salt/sodium results in water retention, thereby adding increased pressure on the veins leading to HBP. 
  • Include food with high potassium, magnesium, and fibre.
  • Avoid packaged, canned, processed foods and bakery products.
  • Adopting an overall DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet encompasses a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low in saturated and total fat.

Sleep – at least eight hours of peaceful stress-free sleep. 

Reduce alcohol and smoking.

Inclusion of regular exercise and relaxation techniques like Pranayama and Meditation help in overall stress reduction. 

So, don’t let this Silent Killer slip into your life, snip it at its roots. The Big journey to complete wellbeing starts with smaller steps.

Read our blogs on:

Sodium VS Salt

Sodium – Keeping the balance

Potassium – Why you need it every day?

Go Natural than processed


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