Selenium – The Secret To Longevity!


Selenium is an essential trace mineral, although required in small amounts, plays a vital role in our body.

Know Your Nutrient:

  • Selenium has a predominant role as a powerful Antioxidant.
  • It neutralizes the oxidative damage of cells, thus reducing the risk of Cancer, Heart diseases, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s Disease.
  • It is an important nutrient second only to Iodine in maintaining Thyroid health as it helps in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
  • Selenium also boosts the immune system, promotes skin and hair health by treating cell damage.

Deficiency of Selenium manifests as extreme tiredness, sluggishness, mental fog, impaired immunity, fertility problems, hair fall, discolouration of nails and skin.

Selenium Friendly Foods:

Nuts and seeds: Brazil Nuts are the richest sources of selenium. Even consuming one Brazil nut every day can meet the body’s daily requirements. Cashew nuts and sunflower seeds are good sources too.

Meat, fish, poultry: Meat, yellowfin tuna fish, chicken, eggs.

Dairy: Cottage cheese, milk, and yogurt.

Others: Mushrooms, whole cereals, and legumes.

If you’re eating enough of foods packed with this super mineral, you may not even need that regular salon appointment – your hair and skin will be as radiant as ever and pocket happier!

Read our blogs on :

The Antioxidant story!

Sunflower seeds – Nature’s bounty in a small seed 

Eggs – Eggceptional protein

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