Iron – Secret To A Strong Body!

Since time immemorial, iron has been recognized as a vital nutrient. ‘Iron’ically, it is also the most common nutritional deficiency in the world!

Know Your Nutrient:

  • Iron travels through the body by attaching itself to a protein molecule like hemoglobin in blood or myoglobin in muscles and so on.
  • Iron carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body through hemoglobin.
  • It helps produce energy from food.
  • It aids immune function and improves cognitive performance.
  • Myoglobin, an iron-containing protein serves as an oxygen reservoir within the muscle.
  • Iron helps synthesize neurotransmitters, thus aiding normal brain functioning in people of all ages.

Anemia is a deficiency of Iron, most commonly caused by a nutritionally inadequate diet that does not suffice the body’s demand for iron, protein, folate, vitamin B12, C, and B6.  Blood loss caused by injuries, hemorrhages, and internal bleeding can also be causative factors of Anaemia.

Anemia can cause alarming health problems like breathlessness, fatigue, loss of appetite, pagophagia (ice eating tendency), susceptibility to infections, impaired immunity, pale skin, spoon-shaped nails, redness, and ulcers on the sides of the mouth.

Iron, a Super Mineral thus plays an indisputable role in keeping you in the Pink of Health!

Read our blogs on:

Iron – Are you getting enough?

Magical Moringa-The global Indian superfood

Folic acid – The Lipstick to your genetic makeup

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