Garden Cress – The Iron Herb

garden cress seeds

Garden Cress, the tiny herb also called ‘Cress’, has an edible stem and leaves with a peppery flavour and aroma. Its red coloured seeds are nutritionally concentrated and require roasting or cooking before consumption. Garden cress seeds are incredibly high in iron, vitamin C, A, E, folate, fibre, calcium and antioxidants. It is one of the best plant sources of Iron.

Health Benefits:

  • 100 gms of Garden Cress seeds contain 100 mg of iron that helps to fix iron deficiency anaemia.
  • It improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of the haemoglobin and boosts energy levels.
  • The presence of Vitamin C is an added advantage in Cress as it helps to absorb the inbuilt Iron.
  • Garden cress is a potent immune booster and also keeps skin, hair and gums healthy.
  • Carotenoids in Garden Cress help maintain eye health.
  • The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds contribute to the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and also delay the ageing process.
  • The water-absorbing properties of Cress aid in digestive health.
  • Garden cress seed is a complete package of important nutrients like iron, calcium, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin A, which is often given to nursing mothers as an important galactagogue (to improve milk production).

Please note: Avoid cress seeds during the first trimester as it produces uterine contractions.

Garden cress (stem, leaves, sprouts) is added to various preparations like salads, soups, sandwiches, and used as a garnish to impart flavour and aroma. Garden cress seeds can be lightly roasted and added to curries, salads, soups, milk and juices. In some parts of India, it is combined with jaggery to make sweet dumplings and given to lactating mothers.

So here’s a herb that may look delicate with tiny seeds but is one of the very few superfoods that is synonymous with a ‘Natural Iron Supplement’!

Read our blogs on:

Iron-Secret to a strong body

Iron – Are you getting enough?

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