Figs – Nature’s Candy!


Figs are believed to be indigenous to Western Asia and were cultivated very early throughout the Middle East and Europe. Figs get their unique crunchy texture from hundreds of edible minuscule seeds present in them.

Figs are rich in soluble fibre and minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese and some B vitamins like B6. Ripe fresh figs are delicate, sweet, juicy and have a short shelf life. Dried figs are sweet and crunchy with a highly concentrated nutrient content.

Health Benefits:

  • Figs regulate high blood pressure, lower cholesterol and prevent the risk of heart diseases and reduce recurrent muscle cramps.
  • Extremely high in calcium content similar to that of an egg, they help in strengthening bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Figs are packed with antioxidants (polyphenols) that neutralize free radicals, thereby reducing oxidative stress.
  • Figs also help reduce sexual dysfunctions and certain types of cancers.
  • Figs have a beneficial effect on digestive and bowel health. It can offset constipation but can even trigger diarrhoea if eaten in large quantities.

Figs are available in large varieties with a unique flavour. They can be consumed in their fresh or dried form. Dried figs can be added to salads, porridges, smoothies, spreads or desserts. Dried fig paste is often used as a replacement for sugar. Figs are naturally high in sugar (fructose) hence should be consumed in moderation.

So enjoy this Nature’s Candy in moderation!

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