Fennel – The Cool Herb!


Fennel popularly known as ‘Saunf’ in India is a highly aromatic and sweet flavoured herb.

Fennel is a plant with a Mediterranean origin that has been used by ancient health practitioners in a host of natural remedies. All parts of the fennel plant, including the bulb, stalk, leaves, and seeds, are edible, the seeds being most commonly used. This delicate herb, however, has much more to offer than actually considered.

Fennel is an excellent source of fibre, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, niacin, and important antioxidants like kaempferol, quercetin to name a few.

Health benefits:

  • Fennel has a perfect combination of all minerals vital for bone health, thus regular consumption may help prevent osteoporosis.
  • Fennel helps in the prevention and treatment of hypertension.
  • Fennel helps combat flatulence, cramps, bloating, and water retention.
  • It helps in clearing congested lungs.
  • It may also aid in weight loss.
  • It has anti-ageing properties and improves vision, hair, and skin health.
  • It is known to act as a galactagogue and increases milk production in lactating mothers.

Fennel as the plant or the seeds can be added to gravies, salads, soups, herbal teas, detox juices, the seeds can be roasted and mixed with other seeds and nuts as a mouth freshener as well. Fennel is one herb that is commonly featured in most natural remedies.

So let’s give due credit to this sweet herb not just for adding the aroma, but a lot of health to our diets!

Click on the link below for CURO recipes:

Fennel Spinach Bliss

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