Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)


Pyridoxine also called as Vitamin B6, is a water-soluble vitamin that gets excreted within eight hours after ingestion and hence like other B-vitamins, B6 also has to be replenished daily.

Know your Nutrient:

  • The coenzyme form of vitamin B6, which is Pyridoxal Phosphate (PLP) plays a crucial role in the metabolism of amino acids, neurotransmitters, protein, fats and essential fatty acids.
  • Vitamin B6 is essential for the metabolic conversion of tryptophan to niacin (vitamin B3).
  • It is also needed for the release of glucose from glycogen.
  • It helps in regulating mood and fights depression.

The requirement of vitamin B6 increases on the consumption of a high protein diet.

Deficiency of Vitamin B6 is relatively rare but is seen in people who smoke, consume excessive alcohol and women on contraceptive pills. Deficiency symptoms of this vitamin manifest as weakness, sleeplessness, stomatitis, glossitis, peripheral neuropathies and impaired cellular immunity.

Pyridoxine Friendly Foods:

Whole Grains and legumes: wheat, brown rice, beans.

Milk and Milk Products

Meat and Poultry: eggs, liver, pork, lamb.


Vegetables: dark green leafy vegetables, potatoes.

A healthy well-balanced diet does the trick to replenish your daily dose of this water-soluble vitamin that will keep you healthy for life.

Read our blogs on:

Eggs – Egg-ceptional Protein


Oats – The Modern-age cereal

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