Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) – The lipstick for your genetic makeup!


Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) is a water-soluble vitamin and does not get stored in the body. The naturally occurring form of Folic acid is called Folate. The body cannot produce Folate or Folacin and hence it needs to be adequately provided through our daily diets and supplemented by its synthetic form as Folic acid.

Know Your Nutrient:

  • Folic Acid is needed for the multiplication and maturation of Red cells.
  • It plays an important role in the production of nucleic acids (RNA & DNA)
  • It is a crucial vitamin for the efficient absorption of various nutrients in the body.
  • It is also needed to support the immune system.
  • Folic acid has a crucial role during pre-pregnancy and throughout pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects in developing babies.

Deficiency of folic acid leads to Megaloblastic Anaemia.  Deficiency is usually seen in pregnant women, women who plan to conceive, and also people with nutritionally deficient diet especially low in vegetables.

Folic Acid Friendly Foods:

The name folate is derived from a Latin work called ‘Folium’ meaning leaf. This clearly states that the best dietary source of folate is from Green Leafy Vegetables. Other foods rich in B9 are eggs, liver, wheat germ, pulses, beans and nuts.

This is one such B vitamin that actually starts playing its crucial role even before human life comes into being!

The makeover for your wellbeing cannot do, without this lipstick for your genetic makeup!

Click on the links below to know how you can get this vitamin:

Spinach Mushroom Soup

Fennel Spinach Bliss

Kale-The Nutritious tale


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