Orange – The Sunshine Fruit


When one thinks of bright ‘Orange’ on the colour palette, Oranges are the first ones that come to the mind. Oranges are believed to be native to the tropical regions of Asia, are refreshing right from the colour to the sweet tangy roller coaster citrus taste.

Oranges are low in calories and have a low glycemic index. They are an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and fibre (Pectin).

This immune booster is a super fruit loaded with vitamin C and provides more than 100% of the daily vitamin C requirement. As this vitamin is water-soluble and cannot be synthesized in the body, it becomes important to be replenished daily by dietary sources.

Health Benefits:

  • Oranges have potent antioxidant properties and are great immune boosters, making them an ideal fruiting option that reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
  • They play a vital role in collagen formation and fight free radical damage; thereby protecting and giving a healthy glow to your skin when eaten raw or even when applied topically.
  • They aid in lowering blood pressure and help in weight loss.
  • Oranges are the most powerful source of citrus flavanones such as polyphenols and anthocyanins that support and enhance the effect of vitamin C.

It is a versatile fruit, convenient and easy to carry that also serves as a great snacking and mid-meal option. Oranges top the list in the juice category; they can be incorporated in salads, dressings, smoothies, desserts, jams, and marmalades.

So, let this tropical fruit, known to bring in Prosperity (in many Asian countries like China and Singapore), also make a mark on your health charts with its impressive list of vitamins, minerals and its entire glow!




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