Jowar – Raging a War for good health!


As we see our lifestyles become slaves of modernization and technology, our health and food habits take a back seat in this aimless race. However, it is quite paradoxical that the latest food trends are, actually getting back to the ancient foods that never came in the limelight until glorified as our very own local superfoods!

Jowar or Sorghum also known as great millet, kaffir corn, guinea corn is a staple cereal, native to Africa, used widely around the world.

Jowar has climbed the popularity charts of super grains as it is gluten-free and fairs better nutritionally compared to other counterparts.

Jowar scores well with a good amount of protein, fibre, B-complex vitamins especially niacin, bone-boosting minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, immune boosters like zinc, copper, iron, and antioxidants like polyphenols.

Health Benefits:

  • Jowar serves as an inexpensive alternative to fight gluten allergy and can be rightly called the poor man’s ‘quinoa’.
  • It improves bone strength.
  • Jowar builds immunity.
  • The excellent fibre content in jowar makes it a household name to fight obesity, diabetes, heart disease and improve gut health.
  • Jowar has a hidden treasure namely ‘Niacin’ (Vitamin B3) that helps in reducing cholesterol, boosts brain function and improves energy levels.

If consumed as a staple cereal, Jowar can go a long way as compared to expensive super foods that cannot be included in the diet on a daily basis. Use it to make rotis, pancakes, upma, dosa, idlis.

So swap your refined cereals with this ancient millet to get the best of your trending dietary muses. This super grain will give the most, without much harm to your pocket!

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