Acidity – The Mother Of Many Ailments!


In today’s fast-paced world, stress, inactivity and incorrect dietary practices have become the basis of daily living. In the process, small health dilemmas have started cropping up like termites, which eventually lead to bigger health scares. One such very common modern-day health problem is Acidity!

A healthy body is one which can maintain an equilibrium in the acid-base status that is determined by the pH value. (Neutral pH is 7). A lower pH value represents an acidic state and a higher value is indicative of an alkaline state.

How is Acid Formed in the body?

  • External source – derived from the digestion/metabolism of various foods, toxins and exercise by-products (lactic acid).
  • Internal source – is mainly Gastric acid produced by the stomach.

Acidity or Acid Reflux is a condition which is caused by excessive production of acid in the stomach. This can be caused by various factors like an unhealthy diet, untimely meals, excessive alcohol intake, side effects of certain medications, the effect of certain ailments like Hernia, intestinal ulcers, Asthma and an unhealthy Gut.

Acidity may commonly present as a burning sensation just above the stomach and/or reflux of acid like fluid in the upper part of the food pipe (oesophagus).

How to treat Acidity?

While popping an Antacid may be assumed to be the quick fix solution to get rid of Acidity, it has its own health hazards in the long run. A holistic approach for long-term benefits would include:

  • To consume a diet that comprises of a relatively higher intake of fruits and veggies (as they are alkaline in nature)
  • Increase water intake to flush out the acidic by-products.
  • Timely consumption of meals.
  • Maintenance of healthy body weight.
  • One important consideration is to avoid ‘fasting’  (as then there is not enough food that the gastric acid can act on) or ‘feasting’ (more than the required amount of food, means greater acid production to digest it.)

The best way to deal with this day-to-day health monster is to snip it at its roots and set the equations right with correct dietary and lifestyle practices!

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