Carbohydrates – Understanding the basics.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body. Here’s why you shouldn’t completely cut carbs from your diet.

There are largely two types of carbohydrates – simple and complex. In simple words; complex carbs are healthy, while simple carbs are nothing but empty calories.

According to the USDA guidelines, at least 40% of our calories should come from carbs. Out of this, the simple carbs should contribute only about 5-10%; the rest should be procured from complex carbs.

Carbohydrates are converted to glucose (blood sugar), which is used to fuel our daily activities. The unused glucose is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen for later use.

Complex Carbohydrates:

These are derived from whole grains, roots and tubers. The functions of good carbs are:

  • To provide a major source of energy apart from essential vitamins like Vitamin B.
  • Keep you satiated and aid in weight loss.
  • Help regulate or control blood sugar levels.

Simple Carbohydrates:

These are often termed as ‘empty calories’, as they contribute to calories with no nutritional benefits. They are significantly present in simple sugars, glucose, and sucrose. Not all sugars are bad; sugars present in the natural form are good like fructose (fruit sugar), lactose (milk sugar).

Unavailable Carbohydrates:

This type of carbs cannot be digested and are present in the form of hemicellulose, cellulose, gums, pectins, lignins and are termed as ‘dietary fibre’.  These carbs do not provide any nutrition but contribute to the bulk and roughage to the stool, which is crucial for a healthy bowel activity.

Choose whole grains and cereals like wholemeal pasta, bread, oats, brown rice and their products over the refined versions like white bread, rice and pasta.

This macronutrient has an indisputable position in a healthy balanced diet; however, choosing the right type is what determines its role in your health journey!

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